The tramontana mountain range

Spectacular hikes and panoramas in Mallorca. A mountain range listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Serra de Tramuntana, the majestic mountain range that stretches along the northwest coast of Mallorca, is a paradise for hikers and nature lovers. Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its exceptional natural beauty and cultural importance, this region offers breathtaking scenery, varied hiking trails and a remarkable ecological richness.

The route through the Serra de Tramuntana reveals panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea, picturesque villages nestled in the valleys and diverse flora and fauna. The trails range from easy strolls to more challenging hikes, and offer options for all levels and interests. Among the most popular destinations are Puig Major, the highest point of the island, and the picturesque village of Deià, with its stone streets and sea views.


4 June 2023



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